Congratulations, you are officially a new homeowner! We are so grateful to have been on this journey with you and welcome you to the Buy, Sell, Love San Antonio Family!

When we first started working together, you may have read some of our reviews here, and we would be grateful to add your review to the page, too. We will be sending you an email with a link to Real Satisfied, it is the most trusted source for reviews in our industry and we would great appreciate if you took a few minutes to fill it out and help others get to know us.
Even though we have closed on your home, we are here for you anytime you need a real estate question answered. From understanding how your property value has changed to helping you with eligible exemptions to hiring contractors for renovations, we have the resources for you.
AND because buying a house is worth celebrating year-round, we host quarterly client appreciation events! Free pies at thanksgiving (baked by yours truly!) and casino night, just to name a couple. Be on the lookout for invitations soon.
We recognize that finding a home is not just about buying a house, but about cultivating life in your community and making memories that fill your home with laughter and joy. This is just the beginning of making San Antonio your home and we are honored that you chose us!